  • kompleksową diagnostykę wymowy
  • redukcję polskiego akcentu
  • poznanie dźwięków języka angielskiego
  • specjalistyczny trening wymowy
  • trening estetycznej artykulacji
  • Do pierwszego roku życia niemowlaki są w stanie rozróżnić wszystkie dźwięki mowy występujące w językach.dalej
  • Brytyjski angielski ma 11 samogłosek (bez samogłoski redukowanej w nieakcentowanych sylabach). Polski ma 6 samogłosek (bez unosowienia). Co więcej, nie ma w polskim samogłoski, którą byśmy mogli bezpośrednio przenieść do wymowy angielskiej. Wszystkie angielskie samogłoski są inne niż ...dalej
  • Bogactwo dźwięków mowy w językach świata jest niewiarygodne. Klasyfikuje się 558 spółgłosek, 260 samogłosek oraz 51 dyftongówdalej

Arkadiusz Rojczyk (research profile)

Strona główna » Badania » Arkadiusz Rojczyk (research profile)

wielkość tekstu: A | A | A


prof. dr hab. Arkadiusz Rojczyk
Speech Processing Laboratory

Office: Speech Processing Laboratory, room 3.19
Phone: (00-48) 32 829 3507
Office hours: Mondays: 13.00-13.45 (lab 3.19)

Speech Processing Laboratory

Google Scholar:


Research interests:

  • speech production
  • speech perception
  • second-language speech
  • speech synthesis and resynthesis
  • psycholinguistics

Teaching experience:

  • practical phonetics
  • BA seminar
  • MA seminar

Professional organizations:

  • The Acoustical Society of America
  • International Phonetic Association
  • Polish Phonetic Association
  • Polish Linguistic Association
  • Polish Academy of Science

Guest talks:
Safarik University, Slovakia 2008
University of Aveiro, Portugal 2009
University of La Laguna, Spain 2010
University of Oxford, England 2011
University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Romania 2011
University of Aveiro, Portugal 2012
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain 2013
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca Spain 2014
Vilniaus Kooperacijos Kolegija, Wilno 2015
University of Malaga, Malaga 2016
University of Almeria, Almeria 2018
University of Huelva, Huelva 2019
Silesian University of Technology 2023
MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development at Western Sydney University 2024


Research visits:

Phonetics (Institute for Linguistics), University of Cologne 2019
Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 2022
Universidad de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca 2022
Interdisciplinary Speech & Language Acquisition Laboratory, Universidad de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca 2023 (visiting professor with research duties)
Iowa State University 2023
University of California Los Angeles, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine 2023
MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development at Western Sydney University (Visiting Fellow) 2024

Guest workshops:
Workshop Acoustic measurements of vowels in Akustyk for Praat. School of English. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Konferencja Polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego  2005
The 16th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
Dydaktyka Fonetyki Jezyka Obcego
The 17th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
PASE 2006
Zonglerzy Slow
Utajone Funkcje Umyslu
The 18th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
Rola Jezykoznawstwa w Metodyce Nauczania Jezykow Obcych
Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Jezykoznawczego
Blad Jezykowy
The 19th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
PASE 2008
Granice Rozmyte
Success and Failure, Aveiro Portugal
The 20th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
Zachowanie Jezyk Poznanie
PASE 2009
The 21th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
International Conference on English Pronunciation EPIP 2009, Chambery France
Materiały Edukacyjne w Nauczaniu Języków Obcych - teoria i praktyka
Płeć języka- język płci
Generative Linguistics in the Old World: Positional phenomena in phonology and phonetics
PASE 2010
the Sixth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech New Sounds 2010
The 22nd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
Topics in Applied Linguistics: Stability and Variability
Accents 2010
Oxford Sound Day, University of Oxford
PASE 2011
The 23rd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
Phonetics Without Borders, Blagoveshchensk Russia
Płeć w języku, kulturze i edukacji
Cognition, Conduct, Communication 2011
Wystąpienie na Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Accents 2011
PASE 2012
The 24th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
Continuity and change in the English language and culture
Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, Vancouver Canada
Language Skills: Traditions, Transitions & Ways Forward
VIth International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English Accents 2012
1st Silesian Meeting of Young Scholars
CLIL 2013 Conference on Modernizing Educational Practice Perspectives in Content and Language Integrated Learning
New Sounds 2013, Montreal
The 24th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
2nd Conference on Continuity and Change in the English Language and Culture
Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics 2013
Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference, London
EUROSLA 2013, Amsterdam
Accents 2013
Language in Focus 2014, Antalya Turkey
Polysemy in Language and Translation
The 25th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
OLINCO Olomouc Linguistic Colloquium
Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, Santa Barbara CA
The Silesian Conference on Neuro-Speech-Therapy
Accents 2014
The 27th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
APAP 2015
The 1st International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, Nagoya Japan
The 28th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
NEWSOUNDS 2016, Aarhus Denmark
The 29th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
APAP 2017
The 30th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
Phonfest 2018, Indiana University, Blomington IN
The 11th Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI)
The 31st International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
APAP 2019
The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019), Melbourne, Australia
Accents 2021
New Sounds 2022, Barcelona
The 33rd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition (plenary)
13th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference PSLLT 2022, Brock University, Canada
The 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC 2022), The Arctic University of Norway, Tromso
The 11th National Conference on Speech Therapy (plenary)
Accents 2022
APAP 2023 Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics
20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023)
Polish Association of Modern Languages 2023 (PTN) (plenary)
The 12th National Conference on Speech Therapy (plenary)
Accents 2023 (plenary)

The 33rd International Conference on Foreign and Second Language Acquisition (ICFSLA)

Books published:

Rojczyk, A. (2010). Temporal and spectral parameters in perception of the voicing contrast in English and Polish. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A., Arabski, A. (2013). Praktyczny kurs wymowy angielskiej dla Polaków. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A., Arabski, A. (2016). Praktyczny kurs wymowy angielskiej dla Polaków. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego (Second Edition).

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A., Arabski, A. (2022). Praktyczny kurs wymowy angielskiej dla Polaków. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego (Third Edition).


Articles published:

Rojczyk, A. (2005). Perception of English lenis plosive consonants word-finally and word-initially by Poles. Linguistica Silesiana 26: 91-104.

Rojczyk, A. (2006). Potrzeba zwrócenia uwagi na opozycję słaba - mocna spółgłoska plozywna w dydaktyce języka angielskiego. [w:] Sobkowiak, W., Waniek-Klimczak, E. (red.) Dydaktyka Fonetyki Języka Obcego w Polsce. Konin: PWSZ w Koninie.

Rojczyk, A. (2006). Categorisation of speech sounds in auditory perception. Linguistica Silesiana 27: 35-44.

Rojczyk, A. (2006). Mózg jako niezwykły żongler słów: Zjawisko primingu w percepcji mowy. [w:] Kita, M. (red.) Żonglowanie Słowami: Językowy potencjał i Manifestacje Tekstowe. Katowice: WSZMIJO.

Rojczyk, A. (2007). Przestrzeń artykulacyjna a bogactwo dźwięków mowy. [w:] Łyda, A. (red.) Przestrzenie Języka. Katowice: WSZMIJO.

Rojczyk, A. (2007). English phonetic vowel shortening and lengthening as perceptually active for Poles. [w:] Arabski, J. (red.) On Foreign Language Acquisition and Effective Learning. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ.

Rojczyk, A., Kijak, A. (2007). CV as the only syllable type. [w:] Arabski, J., Gabryś-Barker, D., Łyda, A. (red.) PASE Papers 2007. Vol 1: Studies in Language and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages. Katowice: PARA.

Rojczyk, A. (2008). Akustyczne studium polskich homorganicznych zbitek spółgłosek zwarto-wybuchowych na granicach międzywyrazowych. LingVaria 1(5): 73-85.

Rojczyk, A. (2008). Jak dźwięki staja się słowami: Percepcja mowy w psycholingwistyce. [w:] Wróbel, S. (red.) Utajone Funkcje Umysłu. Poznań, Kalisz: Wydawnictwo UAM.

Rojczyk, A. (2008). Błąd językowy w neurolingwistyce. [w:] Kita, M., Czempka-Wewióra, M., Ślawska, M. (red.) Błąd Językowy w Perspektywie Komunikacyjnej. Katowice: WSZMIJO: 139-149.

Rojczyk, A. (2008). Release burst in Polish homorganic stop geminates. Linguistica Silesiana 29: 75-86.

Rojczyk, A. (2008). Categorisation of English utterance-final unreleased stops by Polish advanced learners. In: Charzyńska-Wojcik, M., Malicka-Kleparska, A., Wojcik, J. (eds) Language Encounters. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.

Rojczyk, A. (2008). Od formy dźwiękowej do semantyki słowa – badania psycholingwistyczne nad produkcją I percepcja mowy. Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego LXIV: 249-260.

Rojczyk, A. (2008). Cross-linguistic priming on vowel duration and delayed plosion in Polish-English bilinguals. In: Waniek-Klimczak, E. (ed.) Issues in Accents of English. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 44-63.

Rojczyk, A. (2009). Success and failure in foreign speech perception. In: A. Barker, D., Callahan, M. A. Ferreira (eds.) Success and Failure: Essays from the 29th APEAA Conference at the University of Aveiro, 17-19th April 2008. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro.

Rojczyk, A. (2009). We do not perceive just speech sounds, we perceive individual speaker’s characteristics: Indexical properties in speech processing. In: H. Fontański, R. Molencki, O. Wolińska (eds) W Kręgu Teorii: Studia językoznawcze dedykowane Profesorowi Kazimierzowi Polańskiemu in Memoriam. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego: 185-194.

Rojczyk, A. (2009). Parametr VOT w jezyku polskim i angielskim. Badanie percepcji. LingVaria 4: 29-47. 

Rojczyk, A. (2009). Modele percepcji systemu dzwiekowego jezyka obcego. In: J. Nijakowska (ed.) Jezyk Poznanie Zachowanie: Perspektywy i Wyzwania w Studiach nad Przyswajaniem Jezyka Obcego. Lodz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego: 120-135. 

Rojczyk, A. (2009). Brat Adama vs. brata dama: Temporal phonetic parameters signalling word boundaries in Polish. Linguistica Silesiana 30: 59-73.

Rojczyk, A. (2009). The voicing contrast in Polish. Research on Slavic Languages 14: 1-12.

Rojczyk, A. (2009). Perception of final unreleased stops by Polish advanced learners of English. In: J. Arabski, A. Wojtaszek. (eds.) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning. Katowice: Oficyna Wydawnicza WW: 186-197.

Rojczyk, A. (2009). Granice rozmyte między formą akustyczna a reprezentacją fonologiczną słowa. In: A. Łyda and K. Warchał (eds.) Granice Rozmyte Terytoria Niczyje: Studia z Zakresu Języka i Kultury. Katowice: WSZMIJO.

Rojczyk, A. (2010). Preceding vowel duration as a cue to the consonant voicing contrast: Perception experiments with Polish-English bilinguals. In: E. Waniek-Klimczak (ed.) Issues in Accents of English: Variability and Norm. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 341-360.

Rojczyk, A. (2010). Plec w jezyku w badaniach eksperymentalnych. In: J. Arabski, J. Ziebka (Eds.), Plec Jezyka - Jezyk Plci. Katowice: WSZMIJO: 107-126. 

Rojczyk, A. (2010). Production and perception of vowel 'ash' by Polish learners of English. In: K. Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, M. Wrembel, M. Kul (eds.) Proceedings from the Sixth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech [CD ROM version].

Rojczyk, A. (2010). Sharing a common neural space: Second language learning and its neurological consequences. In: A. Ciuk and K. Molek-Kozakowska (eds.) Exploring Space: Spatial Notions in Cultural, Literary and Language Studies. Vol 2: Space in Language Studies. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 248-257.

Rojczyk, A. (2010). Forming new vowel categories in second language speech: The case of Polish learners' production of English /I/ and /e/. Research in Language 8: 85-97.

Rojczyk, A. (2010). Temporal parameters in the implementation of the voicing contrast in English spoken by Poles: A pedagogical perspective. In: A. Henderson (ed.) English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP). Universite de Savoie: 159-175.

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A. (2010). Przegląd interaktywnych programów internetowych wspomagających autonomię ucznia w nauce wymowy angielskiej. In: K. Droździał-Szelest (ed.) Materiały edukacyjne w nauczaniu języków obcych: Teoria i praktyka. Gorzów Wielkopolski: Wydawnictwo PWSZ w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim.

Rojczyk, A. (2011). Review of A Field Manual of Acoustic Phonetics by Joan Baart. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 41: 86-88.  

Rojczyk, A. (2011). Overreliance on duration in nonnative vowel production and perception: The within lax vowel category contrast. In: M. Wrembel, M. Kul, K. Dziubalska-Kolaczyk (eds.) Achievements and Perspectives in SLA of Speech: New Sounds 2010, Volume II. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Rojczyk, A. (2011). Perception of the English Voice Onset Time continuum by Polish learners. In: J. Arabski and A. Wojtaszek (eds.) The Acquisition of L2 Phonology. Bristol, Buffalo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters: 37-58.

Rojczyk, A. (2011). Sound symbolism in vowels: Vowel quality, duration and pitch in sound-to-size correspondence. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 47(3): 602-615

Rojczyk, A. (2011). Time-limited verbal fluency task with Polish-English unbalanced bilinguals. In: J. Arabski and A. Wojtaszek (eds.) Individual Learner Differences in SLA. Bristol, Buffalo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters: 210-225. 

Rojczyk, A. (2011). Some methodological issues in second-language speech research: Participant selection and experimental design.In: M. Pawlak (ed.) Extending the Boundaries of Research on Second Language Learning and Teaching. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer: 317-326.   

Rojczyk, A. (2011). Wykorzystanie programu do analizy mowy w nauce wymowy języka obcego. Nagłosowy kontrast dźwięczności w języku angielskim. In: M. Pawlak, B. Wolski (eds.) Wykorzystanie Nowoczesnych Technologii w Dydaktyce Języków Obcych. Konin: Wydawnictwo PWSZ w Koninie: 65-74.

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A. (2011). Word boundaries in native Polish speech. In S. Androsova (ed.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference 'Phonetics without Borders', June 13-15 2011. Blagoveschchensk: Amur State University, Russia: 91-95. 

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2012). Vowel reduction in English and Polish. General tendencies and individual variation. In: E. Piechurska-Kuciel L. Piasecka (eds.) Variability and Stability in Foreign and Second Language Learning Contexts: Volume 2. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 207-227. 

Rojczyk, A. (2012). Vowel quality and duration in as a cue to word stress for non-native listeners: Polish listeners' perception of stress in English. In: E. Waniek-Klimczak L. Shockey (eds.) Teaching and Researching in English Accents in Native and Non-native Speakers. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer: 59-72.

Rojczyk, A. (2012). Stereotypy dotyczące płci w badaniu primingowym. In: M. Karwatowska and J. Szpyra-Kozłowska (eds.) Oblicza Płci. Język-Kultura-Edukacja. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS: 105-115.

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2012). Selected aspects in the acquisition of English phonology by Polish learners - segments and prosody. In: D. Gabryś-Barker (ed.) Readings in Second Language Acquisition. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego: 93-120.

Rojczyk, A. (2012). Non-native speech perception in noise: The voicing contrast in English. Linguistica Silesiana 33: 7-17. 

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A., Bergier, M. (2013). Immediate and distracted imitation in second-language speech: Unreleased plosives in English. Research in Language 11: 3-18.

Waniek-Klimczak, E., Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A. (2013). Affective dimensions in SL pronunciation: A large-scale attitude study. In: D. Gabryś-Barker and J. Bielska (eds.) The Affective Dimension in Second Language Acquisition. Bristol, Buffalo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters: 124-137.

Papaja, K., Rojczyk, A. (2013). Motivation from the perspective of a CLIL teenage learner. In: D. Gabryś-Barker and J. Bielska (eds.) The Affective Dimension in Second Language Acquisition. Bristol, Buffalo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters: 241-253. 

Rojczyk, A. (2013). Phonetic imitation of L2 vowels in a rapid shadowing task. In: J. Levis and K. LeVelle (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference. Ames, IA: Iowa State University: 66-76.

Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K., Balas, A., Schwartz, G., Rojczyk, A. (2013). Teaching to suppress L1 processes in L2. In Przedlacka, J., Maidment, J., Ashby, M. (eds) Proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference UCL, London, 8-10 August 2013. London: Chandler House: 35-38. 

Schwartz, G., Balas, A., Rojczyk, A. (2014). External Sandhi in L2 segmental phonetics - final (de)voicing in Polish English. Concordia Working Papers in Applied Linguistics 5: 637-649.

Rojczyk, A. Porzuczek, A. (2014). Acoustic properties of nasal geminates in Polish. In E. Cyran, J. Szpyra-Kozłowska (eds.) Crossing Phonetics-Phonology Lines. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 347-364.

Rojczyk, A. (2014). The application of visual mode in speech communication technology. In J. Szpyra-Kozłowska, E. Guz, P. Steinbrich, R. Święciński (eds.) Recent Developments in Applied Phonetics. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL: 325-343.

Zajac, M., Rojczyk, A. (2014). Imitation of English vowel duration upon exposure to native and non-native speech. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 50(4): 495-514.

Schwartz, G., Aperlinski, G., Balas, A., Rojczyk, A. (2014). Stop release in Polish English - implications for prosodic constituency. Research in Language 12(2): 131-144.

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A. (2014). Gemination strategies of L1 and English pronunciation of Polish learners. Research in Language 12(3): 291-300.

Waniek-Klimczak, E., Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2015). 'Polglish' in Polish eyes: What English studies majors think about their pronunciation in English. In: E. Waniek-Klimczak and M. Pawlak (eds.) Teaching and Researching the Pronunciation of English. Heidelberg: Springer: 23-34.

Rojczyk, A. (2015). Using FL accent imitation in L1 in foreign-language speech research. In: E. Waniek-Klimczak and M. Pawlak (eds.) Teaching and Researching the Pronunciation of English. Heidelberg: Springer: 223-234.

Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K., Balas, A., Schwartz, G., Rojczyk, A., Wrembel, M. (2015). Teaching to suppress Polglish processes. In: E. Waniek-Klimczak and M. Pawlak (eds.) Teaching and Researching the Pronunciation of English. Heidelberg: Springer: 235-247.

Solska, A., Rojczyk, A. (2015). Exploring interpretation and misinterpretation of garden-path sentences in Polish. International Review of Pragmatics 7(1): 98-127. 

Schwartz,G., Balas, A., Rojczyk, A. (2015). Granice słowa w języku polskim i angielskim: glotalizacja i łączenie. Prace Filologiczne LXVI: 201-216.

Schwartz, G., Rojczyk, A., Balas, A. (2015). Monitoring English sandhi-linking- a study of Polish listeners' L2 perception. Research in Language 13(1): 61-76.

Schwartz, G., Balas, A., Rojczyk, A. (2015). Language mode vs. L2 interference: evidence from L1 Polish. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A. (2015). The phonological functions of segmental and subsegmental duration. In: D. Gabryś-Barker (ed.), Topics in Applied Linguistics. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego: 29-50.

Solska, A., Rojczyk, A. (2015). Appreciation of purposive ambiguity: The relevance of puns in city promotional slogans. In: D. Gabryś-Barker (ed.), Topics in Applied Linguistics. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego: 65-86.

Schwartz, G., Balas, A., Rojczyk, A. (2015). Phonological factos affecting L1 phonetic realization of proficient Polish users of English. Research in Language 13(2): 181-198.

Papaja, K., Can, C., Rojczyk, A. (2016). An insight into CLIL motivation: A questionnaire study in Austria, Poland, Turkey and the Netherlands. In: Papaja, K., Świątek, A. (Eds.), Modernizing Educational Pratice: Perspective in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing:199-220.

Rojczyk, A., Schwartz, G., Balas, A. (2016). Perception of allophonic cues to English word boundaries by Polish learners: Approximant devoicing in English. Research in Language 1: 15-29. 

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2017).  Discrimination of English tone contours by Polish learners. Linguistica Silesiana (38): 53-66.

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk A. (2017). English word stress in Polish learners' speech production and metacompetence. Research in Language 15(4): 312-323.

Cieślicka, E. G., Rojczyk, A. (2017). Self-reported vs. self-rated pronunciation in a non-native language. Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition 3(2): 69-86.

Rojczyk, A., Ciszewski, T., Szwoch, G., Czyżewski, A. (2018). Visual perception of vowels from static and dynamic cues. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143(5): EL328-332.

Piotrowska, M., Korvel, G., Kostek, B., Rojczyk, A., Czyżewski, A. (2018). Objectivization of phonological evaluation of speech elements by means of audio parametrization. Proceedings from the 11th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI), 325-331. DOI:  10.1109/HSI.2018.8431352

Rojczyk, A. (2019). Quality and duration of unstressed vowels in Polish. Lingua 217: 80-89.

Rojczyk, A. (2019). Nonnative perception of allophonic cues to word boundaries: Lou spills versus loose pills for speakers of Polish. Language Acquisition 26(1): 97-105.

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2019). EFL pronunciation teaching to Polish English studies majors. In: D. Gabryś-Barker (Ed.), Challenges of Foreign Language Instruction in the University Context. Katowice: University of Silesia Press: 9-25.

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2019). Speeded identification and discrimination of correct word stress in English by Polish leaners. In: J. Szpyra-Kozłowska and M. Radomski (Eds.), Phonetics and Phonology in Action. Berlin: Peter Lang: 253-264.

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2019). Rearticulated geminates are not sequences of two identical sounds: Evidence from Polish affricate geminates. In: S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain and P. Warren (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019. Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.: 3671-3675.

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2019). Durational properties of Polish geminate consonants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(6): 4171-4182.

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2020). Detection of non-native speaker from backwards and vocoded content-masked speech. Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition 6(2): 87-105.

Henderson, A., Rojczyk, A. (2021). Exploiter pédagogiquement l'imitation de l'accent d'une langue étrangère. Les Languages Modernes 2: 12-24.

Porzuczek, A., Rojczyk, A. (2021). Complex patterns in L1-to-L2 phonetic transfer: The acquisition of English plosive and affricate fake geminates and non-homorganic clusters by Polish learners. Research in Language 19(1): 1-.13.

Rojczyk, A. (2022). The perception of rearticulated and single-articulated geminates in Polish. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 67(1-2): 118-126,

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2022). POLGEM - The recorded corpus of Polish geminate consonants. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 58(2): 253-262,

Šturm, P., Przedlacka, J., Rojczyk, A. (2022). Phonetic imitation of t-glottaling by Czech speakers of English. Linguistica Pragensia 32(1): 142-165,

Henderson, A., Rojczyk, A. (2023). Foreign language accent imitation: Matching production with perception. In Sardenga, V. G., Jarosz, A. (Eds.), English Pronunciation Teaching: Theory, Practice and Research Findings. Bristol: Multilingual Matters: 115-133.

Rojczyk, A. Rallo Fabra, L. (2023). Geminate rearticulation is psychoacoustically robust: Phonetic imitation of Polish geminates by Spanish-Catalan bilignuals. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volin (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Guarant International: 2636-2640.

Rojczyk, A., Sturm, P., Przedlacka, J. (2023). Phonetic imitation in L2 speech: Immediate imitation of English consonant glottalization by speakers of Polish. Language Acquisition. Online First:

Wieczorek, B., Rojczyk, A. (2024). Phonetic imitation by young L2 learners: English VOTs for speakers of Polish. Psychology of Language and Communication 28(1): 113-138.

Rojczyk, A., Porzuczek, A. (2024). How much voicing in voiced geminates? The laryngeal voicing profile of Polish double stops. Archives of Acoustics. Online First:


Editorial Board

Journal of Second Language Pronunciation


Reviewer for

Applied Psycholinguistics
Archives of Acoustics
Australian Journal of Linguistics
Frontiers in Psychology

International Journal of Applied Linguistics
International Journal of Multilingualism
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Open Linguistics
Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
Research in Language
Second Language Research
Studies in Polish Linguistics
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Teaching English with Technology
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition


Expert for

National Science Centre Poland (NCN)

Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna CKE (The Central Examination Board Poland)


Professional organizations

The Acoustical Society of America
International Phonetic Association
Polish Linguistic Association
Polish Phonetic Association
Polish Academy of Science



UŚ Rector's Prize for research achievements 2011
UŚ Rector's Prize for research achievements 2016
UŚ Rector's Prize for research achievements 2018
UŚ Rector's Special Prize for research achievements 2019
Gold Medal for Merits to the University of Silesia in Katowice 2022
UŚ Rector's Prize for research achievements 2023



National Science Centre Poland (NCN) grants

Principal Investigator:

  • Acoustic properties of Polish geminate consonants OPUS 2017/25/B/HS2/02548
  • Phonetic imitation in a native and non-native language OPUS 2019/35/B/HS2/02767


  • Practical course of English phonetics for Poles 0576/B/H03/2010/38  (PI Janusz Arabski)
  • Sandhi in second-language speech OPUS 2012/05/B/HS2/04036 (PI Geoffrey Schwartz)
  • ALOFON Methodology and technology for the polymodal allophonic speech transcription OPUS 2015/05/B/ST7/02151 (PI Andrzej Czyżewski)
  • Consonant synchronicity in Polish and English OPUS 2018/29/B/HS2/00088 (PI Geoffrey Schwartz)



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